"One thing that I love about female-fronted pop punk is that it strips away any misogyny that shows up in male-oriented songs about relationships. The Screeching Weasels and Queers of the three chord world are usually throwing the blame of failure onto the shoulders of women while skirting any responsibility of their own. Lipstick Homicide is completely aware of this unheard perspective and manages to stay honest—as opposed to falling in with—the same tactics of the male counterpart. This three-piece out of Iowa is very lyrically driven and showcase themes of insecurity, self-motivation, and success over a strong and clean rock’n’roll guitar, bubbly bass, and snappy drums that never overshadow Kate and Rachel’s vocal melodies. Musically, they never get as harsh as their lyrics and hold on to a sweet, poppy sound throughout the album. This record is great for summertime listening after you’ve dumped your boyfriend for not being awesome enough. And as an added bonus, super rad album artwork from Tom Lowell!"
– from Kayla Greet at Bloated Kat