Saturday, September 26, 2015

IMSC Ep 16 - Song 7: "Icky" by Lipstick Homicide

On Sept 28, 2013, at House of Bricks, Lipstick Homicide had, what I considered, their most important show, The OlderMusicGeek 50th Birthday Bash!

Seriously though, I was very excited when Lipstick Homicide told me that they would play my 50th birthday party.

The party was a big deal for me. On my 40th birthday, I was very depressed, stuck in a loveless marriage, and dealing with transgender issues.

By my 50th, I was on anti-depressants, dealt with my depression and transgender issue in therapy, and was happily married to my second wife. I was ready to celebrate my life!

So I wanted the party at a place I enjoyed and associated with fun, thus House of Bricks. And being The OlderMusicGeek, I had to have live music!

So I chose three bands that met a lot to me.

Sinister Sons featured my old junior high and high school buddy, Mike Sangster, whose music is awesome. Check out The Hollowmen and Head Candy!

The second, Peace, Love, and Stuff, were a band I discovered when I started getting back into the music scene after my depression and my daughter finally getting old enough to be left home alone.

The third was Lipstick Homicide! I had to have them! They were my favorite Iowa band. They had been blowing away ever since I first saw them! My party wouldn't have been the same without them!

And Rachel, being the sweetie that she is, said they would do it for gas money!

I don't have any video or audio from that show, but I requested they play three songs, "The One for Me", "Isn't It Glorious", and "Icky".

I talked about "The One for Me" here. I'm talking about "Isn't It Glorious" later.

As for "Icky", what can I say? It holds no deep meaning for me. I just think it's funny, and I love the raw energy and emotion in the song. And isn't that what punk rock is all about?

Rachel Feldmann - vocals, bass
Kate Kane - guitars, vocals
Luke Ferguson - drums




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